Thursday, December 31, 2009

very good article on the 57 benefits of veganism

While I am not 100% vegan 100% of the time, I know that when I have eaten a completely vegan diet (as opposed to a vegetarian diet which includes dairy products), I have felt my best.
It's great to see an article promoting veganism on a nursing website. Too few medical professionals promote the many healing benefits of good nutrition in general, much less the vegan diet.
As the new year rolls in, I am giving my body a break from the richness of holiday fare by cleaning up my diet with a return to vegan eating. I strongly suggest that others consider doing the same. Your body will thank you for it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Once again, the blanket of Yule time seems to have wrapped itself around me, insulating me, and acting as an invisible buffer to any and all things of the world. This is a time when I naturally become more reflective and family/home centered, and all of the universe becomes condensed into my humble little home and those inside of it. Nothing can get me, nothing bothers me, and a strange serenity and calm overtakes me that for the rest of the year is but a distant memory. It is the antithesis of summer time; all the things summer is not. Summer, when the whole universe seems limitless and a sense of expansion overcomes, compelling me to do, create, move mountains earth.
This year I found myself the possessor of time, a commodity I hadn't known in awhile. This time has been an enormous blessing, and I am so grateful for it. It has allowed me to be a full time student, get back into hairdressing and open a small shop, garden, take up some serious yoga, cook, cook, COOK, and to finally make this house a home.
I used to say that it took a year for a house to really become home after moving in. Well, this house has been the exception. We will have been here 4 years next month, and only recently has it began to come together. Now, I wonder if I will ever move again! Window treatments are finally up, the kitchen is all I need it to be and more. It's organized. It's comforting. I have learned it's quirks, and it has taken on the patina of "us".

Ever so slowly, we have finally began to make friends and know our neighbors. The kids know the entire city, and love living here. Good place for roots, good place to grow up. Our four legged babies keep us entertained and help make this place home, as well.

Yep, this little house is becoming a real home after all this time. Thanks to time. Time spent living here, and time afforded to me during this year. What a gift.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

DVD Library Wishlist

American Beauty
The Hangover
The Men Who Stare at Goats
I am Legend
Great Expectations
